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Technology Trends, Value-Proposition, Market Size, Readiness Index and Maturity Model

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The GEOBIM Market in AEC Industry Report is an annual report which covers the entire spectrum of geospatial technologies, BIM and Digital Twins in the global and regional AEC industry. In terms of economic uncertainties and physical distancing, the AEC industry in particular, requires flexible resilience plans inclusive of highly advanced technologies to minimize the risks stemming from material shortages, labour shortages, liquidity issues, which are inherently causing delay and disruption in the progress of construction work.

The report presents a detailed snapshot of the AEC industry, the GEOBIM technology ecosystem, GEOBIM Maturity Model and the GEOBIM Readiness Index, tracing the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the AEC industry, subsequent economic recovery efforts of various countries, and the first indicative figure of the impact of COVID-19 on the AEC and the geospatial industry for FY2020-2021.

The report investigates the entire spectrum of the AEC industry across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle-East, Africa and South America, for sub-sectors – transport, building, and industrial sectors – taking in the views of architects, planners, engineers, consultants, construction companies, project owners, and both geospatial and BIM technology providers.

The insights below are available for free.
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The cumulative global AEC market witnessed the slowest growth in 2019 and is estimated to US$ 11.13 trillion, growing at a CAGR of 3.3% during the forecast period. Asia-Pacific and North America emerges as dominant markets with 66.97% and 11.9% of the global AEC market in 2019.

The global construction sector is expected to grow, albeit at a slow pace despite economic uncertainties. Revenue growth will be the highest in China, followed by India – the new engine of global growth or construction and other south-east Asian economies – Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines.

Global AEC Market
Global Geospatial AEC Market


The cumulative geospatial industry’s value in AEC is in pre-COVID-19 situation is estimated to be US$ 71.28 billion in 2019 and is estimated to reach US$ 117.59 by 2023, growing at a CAGR of 12.69% between 2015 and 2023.

The Asia-Pacific region is going to be continue being the largest geospatial technology market in AEC industry having a share of 53.83% of the total US$ 117.59 billion market in 2023.


The GEOBIM Maturity Model is critical to evaluate and assess the ability of an AEC firm to operate in a collaborative and connected data environment. The GEOBIM Maturity Model ranges from Level 0 to 3 and beyond as more innovation takes place in the GEOBIM technology ecosystem and the integration of geospatial and BIM technologies become an ‘accepted’ definition across the construction lifecycle. The GEOBIM Maturity Model – cuts across the construction lifecycle of surveying, plan and design, construction and operations and maintenance.

GeoBIM Maturity Model



In the GEOBIM technology ecosystem, while 2018 was the year of M&A’s, 2019 was the year of consolidation. In 2019, there were hardly any M&A’s or partnerships that took place for geographic expansion (across regions) and portfolio diversification. Tech-giants focussed on enhancing/enriching their product portfolios by previous acquisitions or by integrating capabilities for workflow integration to bring new efficiencies into construction workflow.

GeoBIM Readiness Index 2020


The GEOBIM Readiness Index-2020 is a blue-print for stakeholders (AEC industry, policy makers and industry) to use and develop efficient integrated geospatial and BIM capabilities to maintain a global competitive advantage for infrastructure development and to build resilient and sustainable cities and communities – contributing to robust national growth and development

United States, United Kingdom and Germany rank first, second and third respectively in the GEOBIM Readiness Index-2020 operating at a sophisticated level of maturity (Level 0-3).

Find out answers to:

  • How has the AEC industry market evolved since 2015-2016 and what is the AEC industry market going to be in 2023?
  • What is the impact of COVID-19 on the AEC industry and what are the economic stimulus by major economies of the world?
  • What is the cumulative global geospatial industry market in 2019 and what is it estimated to be in 2023? {Don’t just delve into the global geospatial industry – but also in the 2019 market of geospatial technologies (GIS and Spatial Analytics, GNSS and Positioning, Earth Observation, and Scanning)}.
  • Which regions have the maximum geospatial share in the AEC industry and what is their market share in 2023?
  • What is the market for Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Digital Twins in 2019 and what is the market share projected to be in 2023)?
  • How is Artificial Intelligence (AI) shaping the AEC industry and what is the current level of AI adoption in the AEC industry? (based on 300+ interviews)
  • How has the GEOBIM Industry evolved in a year and how have geospatial companies expanded their BIM and Frontier Tech capabilities via Mergers and Acquistions (M&A) and Partnerships?
  • Where does your country rank in the GEOBIM Readiness Index-2020 and how do 25 countries fare in the three pillars of GEOBIM Readiness?

What’s in it for you!?

If you are a project owner or a construction company, you can use the report to understand the required level of GEOBIM maturity for efficient project delivery; latest technology trends in the AEC industry, and finally understand the value proposition and return on investment in implementing GEOBIM solutions in the construction lifecycle.

If you are a policy-maker and decision-maker you will find the GEOBIM Maturity Model and the GEOBIM Readiness Index-2020 useful to understand the tactical position of country in implementing GEOBIM solutions for infrastructure development and devise enabling strategies/policies/guidelines accordingly.

If you are a geospatial or a technology provider, you will be able to leverage the market information and develop market expansion strategies accordingly; and also understand how competitors are transforming the technology market. Market Map shall be quite useful in understanding industry profile and developing a collaborative partner network as well as understand the competitive scenario.

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GEOBIM Market in AEC Industry

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